Paws at Peace



‘Twinkle’ turned up in Claire and Roger’s garden flea-infested, unkempt, hungry, and very, very thin. ‘Twinkle’ was an elderly puss and we very soon learned from our Vet that she had a serious heart condition.

‘Twinkle’ has been a fantastic little character for the entire 14 months she has been with us. She soon doubled her body weight, which was no surprise really, as she had one meal a day, it started when I got up in the morning and continued until I went to bed! She LOVED her food and her requests for more were continuous, I, of course, obliged every time! ‘Twinkle’ respected her heart defect and had a very sedate lifestyle so most of the time it didn’t cause her any problems. Back in March she even had a cyst removed from the side of her neck while she was conscious! Because she was an anaesthetic risk it was removed under local, and do you know the worst thing for ‘Twinkle’ was that SHE HAD TO GO WITHOUT BREAKFAST! She came home straight after her surgery though immediately making up for lost time!

‘Twinkle’s’ heart though started to deteriorate and she was beginning to get quite breathless so the painful decision was made today to let her quietly slip away, the last thing we wanted was for our very special little girl to suffer.

‘Twinkle’ will stay in our hearts FOREVER, her character always remembered her zest for life second to none. Rest In Peace Little One, you are gone but you will never, never be forgotten. xxx

Twinkle 2

Twinkle 3

Twinkle 4