Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homes urgently needed for:
Paws at Peace


When ‘Billy’ came into our care he was very, very neglected, flea infested, sore and scabby skin, dirty, stained coat and very, very hungry.

We also established he had been stolen 2-3 years ago 😿🥲 We were put in touch with ‘Billy’s’ original owner and we have been keeping in touch with her eversince.

‘Billy’ was seen by our Vet and was tested for feline leukeamia & FIV, he was negative, also lumps were detected in his groin area. Because he was is in such poor condition we had to build him up and improve his condition before he could have any surgery, his teeth were also very poor, even though he was only 4 years old.

After just over a month ‘Billy’ had improved SO much he was able to go back to our Vet to have the lumps investigated further. He actually didn’t need surgery as the lumps had cleared even though the lymph glands were still slightly enlarged. While he was asleep he had his teeth scaled and polished.

Three days later everything  changed abruptly. In the early hours of the morning he lost the use of his back legs, having been his normal active self right up to this time. I took him straight to our Vet, by which time he had breathing problems.  There was nothing the Vet could do to save poor ‘Billy’ ~ the paralysis was due to a blood clot so we had to let this dear little boy go to sleep.

We are all heartbroken as he was doing so well and had fully recovered from the terrible neglect he had suffered.

Rest Peacefully ‘Billy’ ~ maybe if you had found your way to us sooner things may have been different 💔

You were so dearly loved ‘Billy’ and our hearts are truly broken 💔