Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homes urgently needed for:
Paws at Peace


 ‘Maisie’ was 7 years old and had been with her daughter, ‘Toothpaste’, for the past 6 years. ‘Toothpaste’ is now quite ‘lost’ since her Mum has passed away.

When these girls came into our care they were morbidly obese, but over the past year they have both managed to loose over 3kg in weight so their future was looking so much better for them until that very ‘dark day’.

Because both girls were very timid of people they didn’t know we hadn’t had any luck trying to rehome them. We started letting them out and they LOVED it! Their confidence grew week by week, month by month and they really were having the time of their lives… only to end by a heartless driver who probably shouldn’t even be behind a wheel.

REST IN PEACE LITTLE ONE – You Are Now Gone But You Will Stay In Our Hearts FOREVER. xxx

Maisie & Toothpaste 1

Maisie & Toothpaste 2